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The things we do in the shower!

A new survey by Triton Showers has uncovered what Brits get up to in the shower, with two-thirds of UK adults admitting to being “shower multi-taskers” who use the opportunity to get something else done while taking a shower.

Of the 2,000 questioned, three in 10 adults said they brush their teeth while showering, while four in 10 use the time to give the shower or bath a clean. Others admitted to going to the toilet, having sex and taking phone calls whilst in the shower.

More than 10% even said they had made a “life-changing decision” with lathering up. More than a third of those questioned said they don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done, so use the time in the shower to carry out other tasks.

Other top 20 shower tasks carried out by Brits include dancing, washing clothing, exercising, listening to an audiobook, having a beer, watching a TV show on a tablet, having a cup of tea or coffee, washing a pet or eating a biscuit.

The survey also found that the average shower takes just under nine minutes, with one in five adults saying they “contemplate the meaning of life” during that time, while more than half use the time to think about what they’ll cook for dinner.

“The shower room is clearly so much more than an area simply designated for washing,” said a spokesperson for Triton Showers. “Busy Brits are opting to eat, drink and even go on social media when showering – because they are time-strapped and therefore try to juggle lots of tasks all at once.

“It seems Brits think nothing of multi-tasking in the shower; for many respondents, it has become a normal part of everyday life. And it makes sense to use the time wisely – although it is worrying to think people are using gadgets such as phones, tablets, and shavers in such close proximity to water.”

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